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Hamrå Orkester – Hälsingland & TITLYCH

Fredrik Hamrå is a jazz drummer and composer from Sweden. Fredrik realised that he wanted to do more than simply play other people’s music, so he created his new project, called Hamrå Orkester, gathered five of his favourite musicians, wrote nine songs, and recorded them in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 2023. This spring the record will be released on the Swedish record label Prophone Records.

Hamrå Orkester presents the two tracks, ”Hälsingland” and ”TITLYCH.” «Hälsingland» is a beautiful and slow piece inspired by the province of Hälsingland in Sweden. Its also dedicated to Fredrik’s father, who is no longer with us. The second, more energetic track, ”TITLYCH,” is a made up word construction meaning This Is The Life You’ve Chosen. Both of the tracks, like all of the songs on the album, are inspired by the beautiful Scandinavian nature. Stay tuned!

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