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‘Potential’ – Sunset Salore

Melbourne based Singer/Songwriter Sunset Salore creates an enchanting brand of
Alternative Pop, drawing inspiration from the likes of Florence & The Machine, Meg Mac and Baker Boy.

Sunset Salore released her single ‘Call It’ earlier this year. The single was the first taste of her debut EP called ‘Love Kills The Monsters’. ‘Call It’ was premiered exclusively via
AAA Backstage and received airplay on radio stations across the globe, charting on both the World Indie Music Chart and European Indie Music Chart.

She then followed up with the release of her single ‘Mystery and Magic’, which premiered through The AU Review, has currently reached #1 on the World Indie Music Chart for several weeks running, and #1 on the European Indie Music Chart.

“With slick electronic production, layered and echoing chorus, it’s reminiscent of the mighty Florence + The Machine. There’s a vibrancy to her work that makes it so exciting. Sunset Salore has a knack for zeroing in the little things that define us.”
The AU Review

Sunset Salore has now unleashed her debut 7 track EP ‘Love Kills The Monsters’, which is available on all major streaming services.

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