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CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? – Rachel DeeLynn

Rachel DeeLynn is Feminine. Bold. Chaotic.

Your Newest Pop/Rock Obsession.

Life can be messy… and Rachel’s music reflects exactly that. Fueled by a craving to understand and brave every peak and valley of the human experience, Rachel is equally unbridled and uncensored in her storytelling and musicianship.

This fierce devotion to her craft has earned her Grammy consideration and a recent signing with Clinetel Records (Sony) and Artec Sync. Her poignant lyricism, biting rock instrumentation, and raw vocals blend with lovable pop influence and boundless energy to make her as strong in the studio as she is on stage. Combine these attributes with Rachel’s passion for hard work and honesty, and it’s not hard to see why this young alternative artist is unstoppable.

So buckle up, sit back, and enjoy this wild ride with Rachel by your side.

Her future is boundless. There’s likely little Rachel DeeLynn can’t do musically. “Can You Hear Me Now?” is a tantalizing glimpse of her gifts. It’s easy to believe that her pending debut EP will catapult her name among the first rank of young singer/songwriters and position her for even greater accomplishments.

Colin Jordan Medium Magazine
Rachel’s grittiness adds to her vocal ability to deliver rock the way it should be. Stephen Wrench, CEO Owner, Co-Founder Musik and Film, LLC

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