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Yesterday Mass is a Symphonic Hard Rock band based in Finland. The group consists of two members: lyricist Iiro Kinnula, with roots in the world of Metal music, and from the Rock music world, composer Ace Eshed, who has experimented with many genres over the years. Bringing these two scenes together, Yesterday Mass combines a core of Hard Rock with elements of Symphonic Metal and more, in an effort to create a fresh and impactful sound that pays homage to the past while creating something new.

Yesterday Mass’ latest single, «Take My Hand» is a progressive, six plus -minute Symphonic Hard Rock epic featuring a string quartet on top of a Rock band base. The lyrics of the song were inspired by fantasy stories, in particular the «Hero’s journey» -trope and how the journey itself ends up changing the hero. The vocals are performed by the talented Italian singer, Alessandro «Hell» Medri, and the song was produced by the rising producer from Azerbaijan, Asim Rahimov. The arrangement of the strings was done by the talented Romanian violinist, Alexandru Semeniuc. Stay Tuned!

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