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DuMonde Meets Talla 2XLC – Sometimes [[Trance]]

DuMonde Meets Talla 2XLC – Sometimes

Talla 2XLC presents on That’s Trance his collaboration with DuMonde aka Jürgen Mutschall/JamX and D.Mand called Sometimes. Recently Jam X had a massive hit on A State Of Trance with Unique supported by Armin’s van Buuren on his legendray ASOT compilation. Sometimes adopts the well known ultra tough and hard metallic kick along with that deep pounding bass creating the unmistakable tough beat that characterize the DuMonde style from the late 90’s. The anthemic razor shap synthy riff appears with nostalgic melody recalling trance classics. The breakdown is long, cinematic, atmospheric with huge hair raising synths, big orchestral strings and fantastic male spoken vocals with great thought provoking lyrics recalling common moments of happiness and sadness with old and new friends bridging the past with the future. The climax is euphoric and highly energetic as it can get, with pounding beats, raw basslines and the nostalgic synthy hook. Old trance fans will be delighted and the new trance friends will appreciate its dynamism and emotional edge. DuMonde meets Talla 2XLC with the equally futuristic and nostalgic Sometimes on the JamX and D.Mand mix is out now on That’s Trance.

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