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Get Em Rah – My Luv Notes

My name is Stephanie of My Luv Notes. I am a writer of truths, a storyteller, and a singer. In sharing my music with you, we share the emotion, pain, and the struggle along with the triumph and good times together. In that truth, when my words and music resonate within, you have a home in my music and in my heart forever. And I hope and pray I will forever remain in your heart. You are never alone. Take my hand and walk with me on this incredible journey called life. Here is my take on it. Today, we get loud! That’s hot!

Get Em Rah is loud and unapologetically letting you know that we have arrived and we are ready to party! “We’ve arrived, put on the brakes” is literally and metaphorically letting you know to pay attention because we are here with our crew! We look so good that we walk in slow motion! So get ready for a night of bling, drinks, spending, and a whole lot of fun!

My Luv Notes Music and Boutique are committed to helping improve our communities. We are proud and blessed to inform you that a percentage of proceeds from our music or inspirational items from our boutique will be donated to charity. It’s about the bigger picture. It’s not about selling, it’s about the message, the intention, and the purpose. It’s not about buying; it’s about sharing the experience and the purpose.

DISCLAIMER: The material shared on this platform is generated and submitted by the content owner and/or their record label, or by a third party associated with them, for the purpose of being considered for inclusion in our programming and for promotion on this digital platform, as well as on our social media channels. It is important to note that the content on this page belongs solely and exclusively to its respective owners and does not imply endorsement by this radio station, this online platform, or its social media channels. Additionally, we clarify that no audiovisual material is distributed through this platform; we strictly limit ourselves to its broadcasting and promotion as per the terms established by the submitters and content owners.
LIBERACIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD: El material divulgado en este espacio es generado y remitido por el titular del contenido y/o su sello discográfico, o bien, por un tercero vinculado al mismo, con el propósito de ser considerado para su difusión en nuestra programación y para su promoción en esta plataforma digital, así como en nuestras redes sociales. Es importante destacar que el contenido de esta página corresponde única y exclusivamente a sus respectivos propietarios y no implica un respaldo por parte de esta emisora de radio, ni de esta plataforma en línea, ni de sus redes sociales. Adicionalmente, aclaramos que en este espacio no se distribuye ningún tipo de material audiovisual, limitándonos únicamente a su difusión y promoción según los términos establecidos por los remitentes y propietarios del contenido.