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La Sra. Tomasa – 1040

The misnamed musical label ‘world music’, besides being ethnocentric, is absurd because obviously they all are. However, it does make sense when we talk about an album like 1040 by La Sra. Tomasa, because, effectively, it gathers sound fragments (and also human fragments) from the numerous and disparate places where it has been recorded. We could say that this is a road disc, although rather than narrating a journey, the one that took them on tour through Mexico, the United States, Colombia and Vietnam between the end of 2021 and 2024 (exactly 1040 days), they tell us what they have learnt from it. Because the journey, if made with eyes and ears wide open, always ends up being an internal one.

On their fourth album, the Catalan-Canary band reaffirms their chosen path, even if it goes against what consumer society or the music industry itself seems to require nowadays.To begin with, they have made a 19-piece album: an album to listen to in its entirety, and rather than entertain you, it forces you to stop and rest because it is full of multicultural musical stories and nuances. Especially in the eight interludes, the titles of which give the exact days and places (albeit out of order) on which they were recorded. But also in the 11 songs, where they displaydifferent sonorities collected from all over the world, mixed with valuable life lessons. […]

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