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Michael Rainwood

Michael Rainwood is a seasoned songwriter who has touched the hearts of many with his inspirational music over the years. His journey in the world of song writing has been marked by a deep passion for using his talent to spread a powerful message.

One of Michael’s most notable works is the song «Unknown Author», which he wrote in just 4 hours, inspired directly by the Creator. This song stands out as a significant piece in his repertoire, as it beautifully narrates the incredible works of great God. The «Unknown Author» has resonated with people all over, highlighting the magnificence and glory of God’s creation.

As he continues his journey, Michael remains dedicated to his mission – to use his gift of song writing to inspire faith, hope, and an acknowledgement of the creator’s undeniable presence in our lives. His music serves as a reminder that God’s magnificent work surrounds us, and through his songs, Michael Rainwood continues to make a meaningful impact on the world.

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