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Ramin Arab & MAESTRO DABICI – Darkness [[Trance]]

ZYX Trance welcome’s back Ramin Arab after his very successful Titanium with Jan De Vice, and the German DJ & producer Maestro Dabici with their 136 BPM epic uplifting collaboration called Darkness. They combine elements of mainstage trance with uplifting and psy trance, to create an exceptional intense foundation of razor sharp psy basslines, thumping drums, punchy kicks and pulsating synths, that build anticipation, until the track reaches its exceptional long atmospheric breakdown, with exotic characteristic Middle East female choral voice and melodramatic orchestral strings. Definitely the track sounds like a sad reminder of the alerting situation currently in the Middle East with thousands of innocent war victims. The synthy plucks rise slowly to the top in the most euphoric way. Some hints of dark acid layers and then the huge climax follows with massive euphoric synths, orchestral strings and the melancholic female voice on top that brings tears in the listeners eyes. The outro section is tough and raw with an edgy tech trance body shaking groove. Ramin Arab and Maestro Dabici presents the future favourite trance anthem Darkness out now on ZYX Trance.

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