One of the most iconic trance tracks of all time, the seminal Loops Of Infinity returns to modern trance floors thanks to Talla 2XLC who presents his own rework on Technoclub Retro. The track from the visionary artist Cosmic Baby firstly released in 1993 on the very influential label Logic Records. Harald Blüchel aka Cosmic Baby is one of the very first trance superstars responsible for the most important classic Cafe Del Mar under the alias Energy 52 co-produced with Kid Paul. Talla 2XLC combines his forces with Cosmic Baby to provide two incredible versions. Firstly lands on Technoclub Retro Talla 2XLC & Cosmic Baby stunning full on uplifting 140 BPM trance version. Tough energetic crunchy drums, punchy pounding metallic basslines, and thunderous deadly kick are combined perfectly leading to the three short breakdowns that build the tension and anticipation as new layers of great synthy plucks are introduced along with the well known re-recorded female vocal. The main melody is present but in a very subliminal creative direction. The breakdown is long enough to decorate our sonic environment with sci-fi effects and reveal in the most spectacular way the characteristic piano riff that is very recognizable even after so many years. The massive euphoric uplifting trance hook appears to the front, to encourage trancers to throw their hands in the air, and take advantage of this great moment, to lose themselves in infinity for some minutes. When the beat strikes back, the epic synthy theme is the catalyst to deliver the unforgettable crescendo you didn’t expect to get. Soon the well-known piano theme is reintroduced for the final confrontation with the ultimate trance hymn that older ravers will cherish, and younger ones will be happy to get to know. When the legends Talla 2XLC & Cosmic Baby, come together to produce their own rework of the iconic Loops of Infinity, the result is a hard hitting underground uplifting trancer that will gather support from the most important trance DJs. It is out now on Technoclub Retro.
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