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Talla 2XLC – Welcome To The Future (Schiller Remix) [[Trance (Deep)]]

Talla 2XLC – Welcome To The Future (Schiller Remix)

Talla 2XLC hit Welcome To The Future is an excellent remake of Schiller’s side project Nova. Now the original artist Schiller is invited to deliver his own remix. His 128 BPM version moves on Schiller’s current atmospheric magical sounds with deep pulsating basslines, chunky techy grooves, tribal drums and deep haunting strings. The Clara Yates vocal is vocodered and left to the background to create that hypnotic distant cold futuristic soundscape. In the breakdown the fascinating melody appears replayed in a slower tempo becoming even more haunting and out of this world. The climax is driving and exciting with the memorable anthemic melody upon the blissful organic deep foundation. That’s Trance proudly presents the long awaited Schiller remix on Talla 2XLC anthem Welcome To The Future.

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