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Kelsie Kimberlin – «Walking Away»

Kelsie Kimberlin is a proud Ukrainian American singer known for her strong vocal abilities
and songs about issues that have an impact on the world. She is an international artist and
also an activist. In the past few years, Kelsie has made waves by releasing several singles as
well as her debut album ”The Drawer,” which came out in 2024. Now, Kelsie is back with her
latest song ”Walking Away.”
”My new song and video «Walking Away» are about starting anew after being in a toxic
relationship for far too long. In the video, my shedding of layers of clothes signifies jettisoning
the baggage accumulated from years of abuse and emotional pain. I filmed this video in Kyiv
under martial law while I was there filming a documentary about Ukrainian resistance and
resilience. We had to do takes between air raid sirens and drone attacks. Some might say that
the song has a broader meaning when seen from the context of Ukraine leaving an abusive
relationship. The music was recorded in the studio with a live pianist and string quartet in
order to portray the intimacy, realism, and importance of the music and lyrics” -Kelsie states.
Stay tuned!

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