

‎ViennaCC produce música pop y rock para bailar. Importantes para él son las melodías para cantar junto con. La letra en inglés de la canción

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The Boogey Woogey Man

Marla Lewis, cantante y compositora nacida en Nueva Jersey, creció escuchando a Ella Fitzgerald, Big Band, música folclórica de todo el mundo, the Beatles, Laura

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Norm Adams and Julia Robertson

  Adult R&B’s favorite duo, Norm Adams and Julia Robertson, are calling it quits…on their latest release, “Over”, impacting radio NOW. “Over” is the story of a romantic

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PTtheGospelSpitter ft. Miquel

Independent Artist Christian Music Association-winning singer, rapper, songwriter Ashante P.T. Stokes aka PTtheGospelSpitter started as a backing vocalist in R&B and Hip Hop and has

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John Dartnell

John Dartnell John is English born and bred and has been playing music most of his life. He had a brief spell away from music

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Stephen Wrench

STEPHEN WRENCH Songwriter / Composer / Lyricist / Producer / Guitarist There is literally not a single avenue of the Entertainment Industry that Stephen has

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Kiara Chettri

Kiara Chettri is a 17-year-old singer and songwriter from India. She has been releasing music since the age of 15 and loves music from all

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