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Yuri Nakshin

I am not a musician. I am a software engineer. I was born 61 years ago in Kyiv, Ukraine – then USSR – and raised there. But for the last 30+ years I’ve been living in the US.

I took piano lessons when I was a kid. Boy, did I hate it! I had to practice while my friends were playing soccer outside my window. So, after that, I hadn’t touched the piano for more than 40 years.

But something happened about 6-7 months ago. It feels like the stars have aligned: first, we found an ancient Casio electronic piano in our attic, it must have been left there by the previous owners of our house. Then all of a sudden I start hearing these tunes in my head. Out of nowhere. So, I started to try to play it on that instrument, if you can call it that, and record it on my phone.

It just happened that last fall we bought an apartment near Kotor, Montenegro with incredibly stunning views of the Bay of Kotor. Driving a convertible along the Adriatic and Mediterranean coast must have been a subliminal dream of mine for a long time. With my wife, daughters and friends to be here with me or just visiting.

So, this May I decided to take a break from my work – I’ve been working hard for 40 years and considered myself a workaholic – and moved here to this amazing place for the summer. And this is where these tunes of mine really picked up. I could not give the rendition the quality they deserve, so I joined forces with a young but very talented musician Rostislav Buyanovsky from Kyiv, Ukraine and asked him to perform and record these tunes of mine. So, what you are hearing is the result of this cooperation.

So, here I am: sitting here, writing these tunes with an incredible view of the bay, mountains and cruise ships passing by my window

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