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North By Some Miles – “My Better Half”

North By Some Miles is the brainchild of Jon Daniels, an experienced UK songwriter with over 100,000 followers on TikTok and a passion for the creative arts. Jon Daniels is a multi-category finalist in the UK Songwriting Contest and has enjoyed airplay on BBC radio. The videos have received millions of streams. North By Some Miles presents two songs, ”My Better Half” and ”What About Love.”

”My Better Half” is a nostalgic love song from the perspective of a man who is dying. He reminisces about his life with the woman he loves and his feelings are so strong that he is certain he will be able to find her when he looks down from heaven after his death. The second song, ”What About Love,” is the story of a man who is going through a difficult time. He realises that the most important aspect of his life is his relationship with his partner, but that is somehow falling apart. As the song progresses, he becomes increasingly despondent. Stay tuned!

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